ARCHEOLOGY California Archeological Inventory, Sonoma State University [Has confidential compilation of all sites in California. Will release data along faults to qualified scientists.] Archeoclimatology: The Paleoresearch Institute in Golden, Colorado can prepare climatological data charts for your site: http://www.paleoresearch.com/ ASBESTOS Hazards associated with soils with >1% asbestos need to be mitigated. Sarah Kalika is the expert to contact for info on what needs to be done. BOOKS AND INFORMATION ON CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY California Geological Survey: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/ [They sell CDs of scans of all Alquist-Priolo and Fault Evaluation Reports up to 2002. Offices in SF, SAC, and LA have hard copies of publications on sale.] Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/ [All things Nevada.] Utah Geological Survey: http://mapstore.utah.gov/ [Wonderful service on our favorite Quaternary publications.] CARBON DATING Beta Analytic, Inc. http://www.radiocarbon.com/ [Providing results within as little as 3 days. Sample size can vary from a fraction of a rice grain (for materials such as charcoal and wood) to 1/2 a Coke can volume for bulk sediments.] The Paleoresearch Institute in Golden, Colorado isolates charcoal from bulk soil samples: http://www.paleoresearch.com/ FIELD SUPPLIES ASC Scientific or Miners (hand lens, Brunton compass, etc.) The "pedological deobfuscator" (Weeder/Rooter or Terra Weeder) is the most important tool for soil stratigraphy and trench logging. Sold at Yard Butler for $13.99 (Unfortunately, quality on these has been extremely low of late. The teeth turn into pretzels when you hit a rock): The Japanese or Cape Cod weeder, the most important tool for uncovering fault traces in wet silts and clays (at Amazon) for $9.99: Field Microscope (1 or 2 um resolution), ioLight, https://iolight.co.uk/ LABORATORY SUPPLIES Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, http://www.coleparmer.com/ eSeasonGear sells a pocket pH/conductivity meter for $161 You can get both a pocket pH meter and a pocket conductivity meter for about $20 on Amazon. Omega, http://www.omega.com/ PALEOMAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS http://paleomag.geology.ucdavis.edu/index.html POLLEN ANALYSIS AND PHYTOLITHS Paleoresearch Institute http://paleoresearch.com SOIL COLOR CHARTS Munsell Soil Color Chart at ASC Scientific for $190 with the included gley chart. NEW! Munsell Capsure handheld color matching tool removing human error at https://go.glennborchardt.com/Munsellcapsure for $845 (Signing up for their email list might get you as much as a $100 discount. Also, be sure to check out their video.) SOIL SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS Dept. of Soil Science, 145 Mulford Hall, U. of Cal., Berkeley, CA 94720, 510-642-0342, [At last report, the university still had not been streamlined out of existence. The Soils Department is now called the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Prof. Ron Amundson, the pedologist, is an authority on stable isotopes in soils and is especially interested in pedochronology. SOIL SURVEY REPORTS Natural Resources Conservation Service http://soils.usda.gov/ formerly Soil Conservation Service (SCS), free Soil Survey Reports. TOXICS Forensic Analytical Specialties, asbestos, Pb, radon, and others, State certified, 3777 Depot Rd., STE 409, Hayward, CA 94545, 510-887-8828 Utility Check: Underground Service Alert (USA), 800-227-2600 [Locates all underground utilities on 2-day notice. Doing this first should reduce your liability.] See: http://www.usanorth.org/ Shoring: Try the local yellow pages. Backhoes: Try the local yellow pages. [Personnel in this business changes fast, so get recommendations from someone who has trenched recently.] Drilling: Try the local yellow pages. [Personnel in this business changes fast, so get recommendations from someone who has trenched recently.] Fencing: Try the local yellow pages. [Personnel in this business changes fast, so get recommendations from someone who has trenched recently.] Ground Penetrating Radar: For info, try USRADAR. 732-566-2035. SOIL SCIENCE ORGANIZATIONS Soil Science Society of America, 677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711-1086, 608-273-8080, 608-273-2021f [The academic soils society in the U.S.] See: http://www.soils.org/ Professional Soil Scientists Association of California, [California organization with a large number of soil consultants capable of interpreting soil surveys for land use.] See: http://www.pssac.org/ ARCPACS, The organization that certifies professional soil scientists. See https://www.soils.org/certifications/professional-search# TOPO MAPS https://www.anyplaceamerica.com/
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